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HOW I'M TEACHING MY DOG TO HEEL - Using Michael Ellis Methods

Mavis The Malinois

I have had Mavis for 2.5 months now, and it turns out we really like heeling together. I have always trained my dogs to heel, but I have never trained them to truly focus heel, and certainly I haven't done contact heeling so we are working out the process together, with the help of Michael Ellis and Leerburg.

I think it is important to give props to other trainers as I am beyond grateful to have anyone help me raise my game as a dog trainer, and hopefully others can find beneficial too, and if I can add anything to help that's a bonus.

We will be continuing this work so stay tuned for more.

Thanks for watching

#puppytraining #dutchshepherd #malinoispuppy
0:00 Intro
1:25 Before we start training
3:56 Demo of our heel
4:33 Luring with food
5:40 What my aim is
6:06 Heeling starts
8:00 Moving the lure hand further away
14:39 90 degree turns
16:57 Recap


posted by Telmany9y