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I am so grateful for any support you choose to give, financial or emotional! Use this link to get 2 months of Skillshare Premium for free: https://skl.sh/learnquick12
My Rubik's Cube class here: https://skl.sh/rubikscube
My Guitar class here: https://skl.sh/learnguitarquick
Check out TierZoo’s video here: • Seal Vs Sea Lion: Who Would Win?
My name is Mike Boyd and I make videos documenting my process of learning stuff as quickly as I can. This is my new series, Average Mike. In this episode, I work at learning to hold my breath for 4 minutes.
To see the unedited clip of me holding my breath for 4 minutes: • 4 Minute Breath Hold (unedited with c...
Subscribe for more videos: http://bit.ly/2bR4nIH
Merch: https://www.mikeboydvideo.com/merch1/
Twitter: / mikeboydvideo
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Business enquiries: [email protected]
If you'd like to send products / items to me to feature in the show, then please use the address outlined below:
Michael Boyd
Unit 62
10 Dock Street
United Kingdom