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How Good Is Acrylic For Making Drums?


In this video I assemble a 'vistalite' type snare drum from a recently acquired acrylic snare drum shell (made by RCI Starlite) and discuss the attributes of acrylic as a drum shell material in the process. Of course there will playing (both 5" and 6.5" deep acrylic snare drums).

Come have some fun!!

0:00 Introduction
1:45 My history with acrylic snare drums
4:23 Attributes of acrylic (comparison to wood)
7:37 How do acrylic drums sound?
10:06 Amber 5" medium tuning
12:09 Amber 5" high tuning
13:43 Amber 5" low tuning
15:15 Blue 6.5" medium tuning
17:13 Blue 6.5" high tuning
19:18 Blue 6.5" low tuning

posted by Scefveclodef9