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How Dirty Is Your Body Under A Microscope /w Azzyland


Makeup, skin, moles and dirt look pretty awful and sometimes even fake under a microscope, or maybe Azzy and I just need to shower.
Watch my Music Video:    • Among Us but I'm Singing (Animated)  
SUBSCRIBE HERE:    / @gloom  

My INSTAGRAM:   / gloomykassie  
My TWITTER:   / gloomykassie  
My DISCORD SERVER (13 and up only):   / discord  

SOME OF THE OLDIES:    • Life of a Stalker Girl  

I’m Gloom, also known as Kassie. I do variety gaming, challenges, cooking, sketch, trying things and commentary. You could say I’m an internet forager, if it inspires me I give it a go. stay a while and listen!

I do my best to upload at a few times a week (unless my life is a mess).

posted by boixava1c