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How Did Each Asian Country Get Its Name?

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Japan 0:44
Philippines 1:37
Korea (North and South) 2:01
Taiwan 3:05
China 4:49
Mongolia 5:49
Vietnam 6:27
Laos 7:06
Cambodia 7:34
Brunei 8:01
Malaysia 8:40
Indonesia 9:18
Singapore 9:40
Thailand 10:09
Myanmar 10:52
Bangladesh 11:19
Bhutan 11:56
Nepal 12:13
India 12:56
Sri Lanka 12:21
Maldives 13:55
Pakistan 14:09
Tajikistan 14:41
Kyrgyzstan 14:56
Kazakhstan 15:12
Uzbekistan 15:26
Turkmenistan 15:49
Afghanistan 16:19
Iran 16:33
Iraq 17:02
Azerbaijan 17:25
Georgia 17:42
Armenia 18:05
Syria 18:41
Lebanon 19:01
Palestine 19:11
Israel 19:48
Jordan 20:05
Saudi Arabia 20:20
Kuwait 20:45
UAE 21:02
Qatar 22:01
Oman 22:21
Yemen 22:51

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Special mention to my patrons: Richard, Jeseenya, Francis, Edward, Stephen, MiFE, Rpgkillerspace, Wilhelm, Roland, Rami, Juan, Bruno, Albert, Lastmatix, Kalvin, Francisco, Tom, 43rpak, Chet, Ryan Keith, ou_lyss, Borton, Ryan McMurry, Pete, Cesar, Hendrick.

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posted by Lubanowodj