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This is What Knee Arthritis Looks Like
In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses osteoarthritis of the knee as well as discusses relevant knee anatomy including some of the major ligaments (ACL, MCL, etc.), articular cartilage, and menisci. Discover how osteoarthritis affects these structures, the factors that contribute to its development, and the changes that occur in the articular cartilage and meniscus. He also covers prevention and treatment options, including the role of exercise, supplements, topical medications, injections, and surgical treatments like arthroscopy and knee replacements.
0:00 0:34 Intro
0:35 1:55 The Anatomy of Knees! Is This a Right Knee or a Left Knee?
1:56 3:26 The Ligaments of the Knee (MCL, LCL, PCL, ACL)
3:27 5:01 The Function of the Knee Ligaments
5:02 6:15 Osteoarthritis: Major Changes to the Cartilage
6:16 7:24 How Does Arthritis Affect the Meniscus?
7:25 8:13 Risk Factors For Developing Osteoarthritis
8:14 9:53 A Major Reason for Osteoarthritis: Why Cartilage is Slow to Heal
9:54 10:15 How the Lack of Cartilage Also Affects Your Knee Bones and Ligaments
10:16 10:36 Other Effects Like Synovitis and Osteophytes
10:37 11:48 How to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Osteoarthritis
11:49 12:17 Does the Level of Impact of Exercise Affect Your Knees?
12:18 12:55 Once You Get Knee Osteoarthritis, Does Exercise Make It Worse?
12:56 13:26 Tips for HighVolume Runners!
13:27 13:46 If You Already Have Knee Arthritis, Exercise Can Reduce the Pain
13:47 14:49 How Maintaining a Healthy Weight Helps Reduce the Chances of Osteoarthritis
14:50 16:03 Do Supplements Help Reduce Osteoarthritis? Curcumin and Chondroitin
16:04 16:34 How Topical Medication Can Help with Knee Osteoarthritis
16:35 17:25 IntraArticular Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis
17:26 19:43 Surgical Treatments: Arthroscopy Surgery and Knee Replacements
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