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Honest Trailers | Deadpool u0026 Wolverine

Screen Junkies

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It's time to give our Maximum Effort to the Honest Trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine! The film that makes everyone point at the screen and say "Hey I know that guy!" 500 times until they ask you to leave the theater!

Honest Trailers | Deadpool & Wolverine
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Title Design: Robert Holtby
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert
Edited by: Randy Whitlock
PostProduction Manager: Emin Bassavand
Content Manager: Mikołaj Kossakowski
PostProduction Specialist: Rebecca Castaneda
VP Content: Max Dionne

#honesttrailers #entertainment #trailer #deadpoolandwolverinemovie

posted by swordsman257k5