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He Stops Breathing!!

Beyond Family

Preston Stops Breathing at Night!!! Preston has been dealing with sleep apnea as well as swollen tonsils and adenoids. In return, it causes his breathing to pause for up to 10 seconds while he's sleeping. Which means his oxygen drops and causes other issues.


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Trinity and Beyond:
Madison and Beyond:    / @madisonandbeyond  
John Beyond:    / @johnbeyond  
Preston Beyond:    / @prestonbeyond  
Gamer Madison:    / @realgamermadison  
Gamer Trinity:    / @realgamertrinity  

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About Beyond Family:
Hey everyone! Thanks for visiting our family vlog channel! We usually post twice a week! We originally started "Trinity and Beyond" for fun and do lots of skits and challenges. Since then our audience has grown so much with parents and whole families watching, so we decided to start this separate channel for vlogs.

Thanks again for visiting!

#beyondfamily #trinityandmadison #trinityandbeyond

posted by buteljkyo