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Hazel's Hats Highlights! - Tuesday August 27th.


The kittens were excited to hear Mr. A entering their room today shortly after Teaspoon's cardiologist appointment. They jumped up and started mewing. Dr. DJ joins him after a few minutes. The kittens are weighed and I have added their weights to the chapter details. The other clips show the kittens leaving the box as Hazelnut calls to them and they have a small walkabout after she leaves them. There are also some Micro Closeups included as they were being filmed at the same time I was recording the kittens!
Recorded from the livestream ‪@KittenAcademy‬

00:00 The kittens are all sleeping when Fez hears a noise outside the box. His head goes up and he hisses at the noise. Stetson adds a bonus hiss. I think the noise was Hazelnut moving around outside and then on top of the box.
01:02 Mr. A comes into the room and the kittens get excited!
07:36 Dr. DJ comes in to join them.
11:03 Bonnet is weighed. 12.8 oz
11:18 Stetson weighed. 13.6 oz
11:30 Derby weighed. 14.5 oz
11:48 Fez weighed. 14.3 oz
20:22 Bonnet does her first tiny mini zoom!
20:36 Hazel is calling to her kittens to come out of the box/ Micro closeup with Gadget playing in the spa.
22:46 Camera changes to the nursing kittens.
24:33 Micro closeup of Cash in the spa.
27:13 Hazel has finished nursing the kittens and she sits up. Kittens start to wander around by themselves.
28:18 Bonnet takes a mini excursion to the food bowls.
29:34 Kittens first camera tech class!
32:30 The kittens start to go back to the box one by one.( Derby is already in the box with Mom). Fez is first, followed by Bonnet. Stetson is last as he takes a tiny detour! to end.

posted by havelany5d