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Guess the Disney Pixar Voice Quiz

Quiz Madness

Can you recognize your favorite Disney Pixar characters just by their voices? Think you can match the voice to the character? Test your knowledge of some of the most beloved Pixar characters in this exciting Guess the Disney Pixar Character by Their Voice challenge!

I’ll play a short audio clip of a famous Disney Pixar character talking, and before the timer goes off, your task is to guess which Disney Pixar character’s voice that is. I’ll reveal the answer once the timer counts down.

Keep track of how many you get right and share your score in the comments section below.

If you enjoyed this Guess the Disney Pixar Character by Their Voice quiz, please let me know by giving this video a thumbs up. Share this quiz with a friend and see who gets more questions right.

Good luck, and most importantly… have fun!

posted by Farfusolau5