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Gaylord palms ice event and seaworld coasters after dark event Orlando

nomadic hippie

Date night. Yes even I have to do dates now and then or Steph has to do a date with me either or lol went out for an Indian cuisine in Kissimmee at a incredible Indian restaurant first fun stop Gaylord Palms in Kissimmee to go to ice, which is a ice sculpture exhibit they hold every Christmas season this year. It was based on the movie elf. After that went over for a late night special event that SeaWorld in Orlando was holding called coasters after dark, which was a huge fail. Every roller coaster in the park was broke periodically one would open up and we could ride it, but we only got two roller coasters in four hoursin a empty park on a special event that was based on roller coasters, but there were no roller coasters, kinda like the Jurassic Park movie when Malcolm could not find any dinosaurs at the beginning

posted by kokulioi