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Games That Push the Limits of the Commodore Vic 20


The Vic20, the wonder computer of the 80's! At least that's what William Shatner called it and I'm going to take a look at some of the games that pushed it to the limits. A few old games and a few new ones too, with some surprises.
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Games featured:
00:00 Intro
00:40 Radar Rat Race
01:08 Jupiter Lander
01:40 Choplifter
02:33 Avenger
02:53 Dig Dug
03:07 Gorf
03:26 Gridrunner
04:48 Gridrunner 2
05:36 Jetpac
06:53 Tutankham
07:11 Capture The Flag
08:32 Galaxian
09:10 Dragon Wing
09:55 Astro Nell
10:22 Doom
12:10 Manic Miner
12:34 The Perlis of Willy
13:00 Pitfall
14:09 Hero
15:14 Chuckie Egg
15:42 Cheese and Onion
17:14 Pentagorat
17:44 Pulse
18:19 Realms of Quest
18:36 H3LP BODG3
18:44 Robotic Warrior

posted by haipingiep