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Funny video of cats and kittens funny funny


Funny cats and kittens are a constant source of laughter and joy, with their playful and curious nature leading to hilarious moments. One of the most iconic behaviors is their obsession with boxes. No matter how small the box is, they’ll squeeze into it with determination, often looking confused when they don’t fit as expected.

Cats also have unexpected reactions to strange stimuli, like cucumbers. Many cats have been caught on camera jumping out of their fur as if they were confronted by a predator. Their reactions to laser pointers or shadows are equally entertaining, often resulting in wild leaps and spins as they try to catch something invisible.

Their napping habits can be just as funny. Cats sometimes sleep in the strangest positions — legs in the air, sprawled across small spaces, or hanging off the edge of a piece of furniture. They also love climbing into anything they can, like cupboards or laundry baskets, even if they don’t quite fit, which leads to comical (and sometimes dramatic) attempts to get out.


posted by guglian2