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From Nerd To Beauty Superhero / What If Gadgets From Tik Tok Were People!

Chi Chi WOW

From Nerd To Beauty Vampire    • From Nerd To Beauty Vampire / What If...  
Welcome to the Superhero Party! Entry is by invitation only. No strangers allowed. But what if you dress up as the supervillain Hardy Win? That's a great idea. Kerry, go for it! But she got caught and exposed as a fake. What can she do now? A makeover, of course. And that's when Kerry enters the secret room. There’s a lot of work to do. Kerry needs a new haircut, makeup, and manicure, and she'll be able to do it all with the help of beauty gadgets.
Our new video is all about a supervillain makeover. Kerry dreams of becoming just like Hardy Win. And she'll be able to pull it off if she follows a beauty plan. So, are you ready for some beautiful magic?
#superhero #tiktok #gadgets

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