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Four puppies arrived from the animal shelter🐶🍼

Cat House in Japan

#rescuedog #dog #puppy
Thank you for watching

We pulled out four siblings from the health center.
About 7 weeks old.
Their body is dirty and they're still a little scared of people, so I'm trying to keep it clean and get used to people.

I will continue to keep up to date with the four siblings.
I would be happy if you could watch the growth of the four with warm eyes ☺

" Stray dog/protected puppy 4 siblings"
   • 野犬の子・保護子犬兄妹  

"Cat room"
   • cat room  

Time stamp:
00:00 Opening
00:05 Four siblings of puppies from the health center
02:25 Inside the cage
07:52 Good night

................................................... ................................................... ..

Appearing dog
[4 puppies siblings]

posted by Sualdinwx