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FOBBV CAM🦅Shadow Bribes Jackie With Fluff Sticks u0026 Coot❗️😋Will She Or Won't She❓👀2023-03-15

Cali Condor

Video footage courtesy of ‪@FOBBVCAM‬

Jackie and Shadow's unhatched eggs were scavenged by Ravens on 3/7.
Both eggs appeared undeveloped: either they were not fertilized or development stopped very early on. There is no way to determine that an egg is unfertilized without breaking it (and the law!).

Resident male: Shadow (unbanded) since May 2018. Estimated hatch year: 2014
Resident female: Jackie (unbanded) since September 2016. Estimated hatch year: 2012

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posted by 2d3i2rolf