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Soooo hello everyone! Please don’t worry because this always happens with huskies. The way they play can be a little scary and over excited because that’s how they play. When people say nooo that’s scary why do they do that I always say would you like them to open a game of monopoly and sit down and play lol! It’s impossible. They play with their mouths and paws. Although this may look a bit scary they both love it so much. Millie and Rupert do this all the time but they know when it gets a little to much they warn each other with a growl or a snarl which usually does the trick. It’s perfect for the little puppy to teach her how hard she can play with other dogs. Also puppy needs to learn the difference between playing firm with dogs but not with humans and she is getting there so fast! Lola our puppy has so much character from the day we brought her home. She was scared. Screamed if humans or dogs went near her. Look at her now! Also on Saturday we go on a family holiday, the same one we went on last year! With our own swimming pool and on the beach! Going to be so amazing! So many videos to come! Hope your all exited! Love you all! Thanks for watching!

posted by instinctual07do