Title: Finestkind (2023)
Plot: Finestkind tells the story of two halfbrothers (Ben Foster and Toby Wallace), raised in different worlds, who are reunited as adults over a fateful summer. Set against the backdrop of commercial fishing, the story takes on primal stakes when desperate circumstances force the brothers to strike a deal with a violent Boston crime gang. Along the way a young woman (Jenna Ortega) finds herself caught perilously in the middle. Sacrifices must be made and bonds between brothers, friends, lovers, and a father (Tommy Lee Jones) and his son are put to the ultimate test.
Paramount, Paramount+
Stars: Ben Foster, Jenna Ortega, Tommy Lee Jones, Toby Wallace, Ismael Cruz Cordova, Aaron Stanford, Tim Daly, Lolita Davidovich
Director: Brian Helgeland
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