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Finding Unicorns in Our Backyard!!

Madison and Beyond

Finding Unicorns in Our Backyard!! #AD Unicorn Academy is one of our favorite shows and even though we didn't find a missing unicorn this time, we did find something awesome hidden in our backyard! Our sneaky brother hid the new Unicorn Academy toys and we had to go on a scavenger hunt to find them all! We found all our favorite characters like Sophia and Ava! We even found their unicorns!

Toys are now available in stores!


Check out our other Channels!!!
Beyond Family:
Trinity and Beyond:
John Beyond:    / @johnbeyond  
Preston Beyond:    / @prestonbeyond  
Gamer Madison:    / @realgamermadison  
Gamer Trinity:    / @realgamertrinity  

Follow Us:
TikTok:   / johnbeyond  
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FaceBook:   / trinityandbeyond  

About Madison and Beyond:
Madison and Beyond started out as Madison's own channel, but being such a little girl it was tough to do videos on her own, so the rest of the family joined in the videos. They're always about fun and kids challenges and toys. We do lots of skits on this channel. Channel videos are filmed/edited by parents.

Thanks again for visiting our channel!

#madisonandbeyond #beyondfamily #trinityandmadison

posted by colorimosld