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Fat Long went home from work and ate dumplings with pork and cabbage made by his father.

 Panglong Cuisine

Today, Fat Long started another day as a worker. After a day of work, he went home. The old man made pork and cabbage dumplings and paired them with homemade pig skin jelly. The son said it was delicious and happy to eat!
【Handmade Pork Dumplings】    • 好吃不过饺子~一盘猪肉大葱饺子胖龙一口一个吃的真美~【胖龙的个小生活】  
【Pork and Cabbage Dumplings】    • 老爹割20元的猪肉做白菜饺子下了一锅胖龙还是没吃饱【胖龙的小生活】  
【Close the balcony to eat dumplings】    • 胖龙花3000元终于把阳台封了爷仨儿炒俩菜吃着饺子真美【胖龙的小生活】  
Fat Dragon went home after finishing his work, and his father made pork and cabbage dumplings with homemade pig skin jelly, which made him really happy to eat [Fat Dragon’s Little Life]
[Eat something good]    • 胖龙谈成个大客户中午做个红烧肘子庆祝下肥而不腻真解馋【胖龙的小生活】  
[Fat Dragon and Little Guy]    • 儿子过生日胖龙高兴要了一份焦麻鸡30羊肉串喝点小酒美滋滋【胖龙...  
[Fat Dragon Loves Noodles]    • 天气太热胖龙简单吃一盆捞面配上大蒜黄瓜越吃越起劲【胖龙的小生活】  
[Fat dragon's three meals a day]    • 260斤胖龙一天一顿饭六斤大饼配大葱狼吞虎咽真饿了【胖龙的小生活】  
[Fat Dragon under the Restaurant]    • 胖龙花150元带老爸吃酸菜鱼鱼肉Q弹无刺爷俩吃的真过瘾【胖龙的小生活】  
Don't chase the old things in the mortal world, the fragrant trails twists and turns,
It will eventually pass by playing on the terraces, although it must work harder.
I am Fat Dragon, an ordinary worker, working hard, living hard, having three simple meals, ordinary days, and simply living every day!
Fat Dragon’s FB homepage is open, so please support   / %e8%83%96%e9%be%99%e7%9a%84%e5%b0%8f%e7  % 94%9F%E6%B4%BB100220568889566/?ref=pages_you_manage
#Fat Dragon's Little Life#Pork and cabbage dumplings#Pigskin jelly

posted by Barwienenvk