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Fast serving‼︎The skill of the man in the red hat who handles 80 people a day by himself

Japanese Noodles Udon Soba Hiroshima Okayama

(0:00 Hatsukaichi) Ramen/Chinese noodle restaurant Tetsu
Map https://goo.gl/maps/ojbSeTC1LvX7dHVA9
Address: 1938 Kushido, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
URL    • 高速鍋振りで席を鮮やかに回す常識ぶっ壊れ鉄人店主がスゴかった   

57:08 (Hiroshima) Ryuoh
Map https://maps.app.goo.gl/g6xDQARn9WPq7...
Address: 113 Yagenbori, Nakaku, Hiroshimashi, Hiroshima
URL    • 深夜時→ド満席広島繁華街の眠らない町中華の実態が衝撃すぎた。。   

(1:44:24 Hiroshima) Meisho Restaurant
Map https://maps.app.goo.gl/VubSimN3vBNVu...
Address: Forest Bldg. 1F, 515 Yagenbori, Nakaku, Hiroshimashi, Hiroshima
URL    • 毎日時間働く常識ぶっ壊れ鉄人店主の深夜の町中華が魅力的過ぎた。。丨Eg...   

2:38:23 (Kasaoka) Idehara
Map https://maps.app.goo.gl/Nto4cJF4iuV5q...
Address: 2827 Kasaoka, Kasaokashi, Okayama
URL    • 癌と心臓病。全てを乗り越えて働く歳の鉄人店主を娘が支える二人三脚ラーメ...   

2:56:50 (Setouchi) Maruban Oku Store
Map https://goo.gl/maps/LTMGNK5QzWC4Px5R9
Address: 1731 Mameda, Okucho, Setouchi, Okayama
URL    • 田んぼど真ん中にポツンと佇む中華そば屋の最速炒飯ラッシュ丨Tonkots...   

Udonsoba Hiroshima Okayama
   / @udonsobahiroshimaokayama  

#Chinese #Nabeuri #Ramen #Fried rice #Onigiri #Katsudon

Information is current as of the date of the interview.
Menu, prices and other store information may be subject to change.

posted by arruhadasuw