The most important thing we as students and teachers is to continue educating the next generations.
A “hacked” falcon is a young falcon who has the opportunity to fly free, learn the how to use its wings, feet, and the language of the winds. All of its own accord.
This method of training has been used for thousands of years. It has been deployed by the Peregrine fund and many others to help reestablish the peregrine falcon back to a healthy population. Many people don’t realize but Falconer’s played a major role in the prevention of these beautiful birds from complete extinction.
As a “reward”, we are still “allowed” to practice this ancient activity. Falconry has traditionally been handed down from Master to Apprentice. And that practice is still in place today.
Contact your local Falconer’s Club or Association to become an Apprentice Falconer today!
Why wait?
Ps These young falcons didn’t eat for a couple days by their own choice. They had caught a pigeon on their own, eaten the entire thing, and didn’t want to work or eat any more.
In nature a Falcon “doesn’t hunt, when it’s not hungry!”