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Fakeness Wives u0026 Competition - Qu0026A with my boss

Elizabeth Filips

We finally took the time to sit down and film a video for our channels together here's me answering your questions with ‪@aliabdaal‬this is a VERY rambly one, you've been warned, there's almost no cuts involved in this.
PLEASE let me know: is the fluff something I should add more of in my videos?

Thanks Ali, for getting me started with this whole thing ❤

The first half of this video on Ali's channel:    • Answering Uncomfortable Questions Wit...  

To make your life easier:
0:00 Intro
1:13 Why isn't Elizabeth your personal assistant anymore?
3:11 Will you always work with each other?
4:06 What's the most annoying thing about each other?
5:01 What's your take on toxic productivity?
7:49 How does Ali react when he's angry?
8:09 How do you not let online trolls or judgement get to you?
9:19 How do you stay motivated to publish content outside of work?
10:59 Why do you always look the same?
11:13 Are you related?
12:06 Why did you want to be a doctor?
13:09 Do you ever have self doubt?
14:26 What is the most annoying thing about each other?
15:25 Do you ever find yourselves in competition with each other?
16:49 How do you compare to your offline persona?
20:19 Does it annoy you when Ali sticks a camera in your face?
21:23 Is there something you've tried to get Ali to do that he's refused?
23:05 If Ali cut your pay in half, would you leave?
24:06 Outro
25:01 Ali's bonus question

If you want to stay in touch:
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Or leave a comment, I (try to) answer 100% of comments :)

posted by fetisetse7p