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EXPLOSIONS while casting 250 kg of ant nests! Triple bull ant nest casting (80 125 and 45 kg) Day 1

Australian Ant Art

Australian Ant Art™ is casting three bull ant nests for the Queensland Museum's Insect Agency Exhibition, opening September 2023. We used 250 of the 260 kg of aluminium we brought with us to complete the castings. Two of the nests exploded on us whilst we were casting them, testing our safety gear.


Species cast:
Nest 1 Myrmecia brevinoda
Nest 2 Myrmecia brevinoda
Nest 3 Myrmecia tarsata

Casting date: 28/6/2023

All music sourced from YouTube Creator Studio:
Savior Telecasted

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Video shot and edited by Jim A. Barker, Twelve Points Photography. Find his work at twelvepoints.photography or Instagram.com/thejimclasshero.

posted by tantomundoe2