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Exploding termites defend their colony : unusual termite science

Ample Wise

Exploding Termites:
Altruism in animal is what we can observe commonly, in insects it is quite unnoticed,
This episode contains unusual science about the altruism of termites from French Guiana,
In the termite life structure, every one has allotted a specific type of work. Queen and kings responsible for reproduction,
soldiers protect the colony and workers are responsible for laboring tasks.

But the most unusual thing about this species is, old workers of Neocapritermes taracua are naturally tends to set their abdomen to blow up under specific conditions like attack from other insects, this is unusual termite science and rare biodiversity because they are worker.
The invaders never expect such response from workers. And most importantly, these workers develop such quality when they are getting older and getting more feeble.
So it is quite smart evolution as the old workers going to die anyway.


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