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Every CAT Breeds EXPLAINED in 10 minutes

The Whiteboard Explainer

Every CAT Breeds EXPLAINED in 10 minutes

Embark on an enchanting journey through the diverse world of cat breeds with our comprehensive video guide. From the affectionate Abyssinian to the mysterious Zelkova, we traverse the alphabet to introduce you to each unique breed. Discover the majestic beauty of the Maine Coon, the sleek elegance of the Siamese, and the playful charm of the British Shorthair. Learn about the fascinating origins, distinct appearances, and varied personalities that make each breed special. Whether you're a cat enthusiast or curious about these graceful companions, this video promises a captivating overview of the myriad breeds that cat lovers adore worldwide.

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00:00 Introduction
00:49 Abyssinian
00:57 American Bobtail
01:05 American Curl
01:12 American Polydactyl
01:20 American Shorthair
01:25 American Wirehair
01:34 Arabian Mau
01:40 Asian
01:45 Australian Mist
01:25 Balinese
01:59 Bengal
02:05 Birman
02:11 Bombay
02:17 Brazilian Shorthair
02:26 British Shorthair
02:34 Burmese
02:41 Burmilla
02:48 California Spangled
02:56 ChantillyTiffany
03:04 Chartreux
03:09 Chinese Li Hua
03:15 Colorpoint Shorthair
03:21 Cornish Rex
03:28 Cymric (or Manx Longhair)
03:36 Devon Rex
03:44 Donskoy (or Don Sphynx)
03:53 Dragon Li (or Li Hua Mao)
04:00 Egyptian Mau
04:08 European Burmese
04:15 European Shorthair
04:20 Exotic Shorthair
04:28 German Rex
04:36 Havana Brown
04:43 Highlander
04:49 Himalayan
04:56 Japanese Bobtail Longhair
05:04 Khaomanee
05:09 Korat
05:16 Kurilian Bobtail
05:22 LaPerm Longhair
05:29 Lykoi (Werewolf Cat)
05:37 Maine Coon
05:44 Malayan (or Oriental Longhair)
05:51 Manx Longhair (or Cymric)
05:58 Munchkin
06:04 Napoleon (or Minuet)
06:11 Nebelung
06:17 Norwegian Forest Cat
06:24 Ocicat
06:30 Ojos Azules
06:36 Oriental Longhair
06:44 Oriental Shorthair
06:52 Oriental
06:59 Persian (Traditional)
07:07 Peterbald
07:13 Pixiebob Longhair
07:20 Ragamuffin
07:27 Ragdoll
07:33 Russian Blue
07:40 Russian White, Black, and Tabby
07:48 Savannah
07:55 Scottish Fold Longhair (Highland Fold)
08:04 Selkirk Rex Longhair
08:11 Serengeti
08:18 Seychellois
08:25 Siamese (Traditional or Thai)
08:35 Siberian Forest Cat
08:43 Singapura
08:49 Skookum
08:55 Snowshoe
09:02 Somali
09:09 Sphynx
09:15 Tennessee Rex
09:20 Thai
09:27 Tonkinese
09:34 Toyger
09:40 Turkish Angora
09:47 Turkish Van
09:55 Ukrainian Levkoy
10:01 York Chocolate
10:07 Ending

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