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European conquest of America

Geo History

NEW VERSION :    • European conquest of America  Summar...  

Let's look at a map and see a summary of the different phases of exploration, conquests and colonization of American territories by European powers, beginning from the mid15th century.

Patreon:   / geohistory  

English translation & voiceover: Rahul Venkit    / @rahulvenkit  

French version (original):    • La conquête européenne de l'Amérique ...  
Spanish version:    • La conquista europea de América  His...  
Russian version:    • Завоевание Америки европейцами  на к...  
Arabic version:    • اكتشاف واحتلال قارات أمريكا  

Music: "Kill it Text me record / Jorge Hernandez" (YouTube Library)
Software used: Adobe After Effects

posted by Theababurge3e