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Ep 365 | Managing periods when your child has Autism | Reena Singh

Awetism Insights

Going through a change in life is difficult is difficult for all of us and more so for kids who have a diagnosis of Autism.

In addition to managing with the periods, its also about the sensory differences the touch and the smells. Regulating through these times when everything is changing in the body is difficul.

I share my views on how to train for periods when a child has a diagnosis of Autism.

Reach me on [email protected]

About me :

I exist to help kids diagnosed with Autism to become independent in social & communication skills + mentor families to navigate this journey with calmness and clarity!!!

Over the past 22 years I have helped over 25,000 kids become independent in communication and social skills using Occupational therapy and other complementary approaches making therapy holistic.

I am excited to share my strategies and insights with you too... Are you ready???

Write to me
[email protected]

posted by lagertfk