"Legendary Twins" is the first domestic animation work adapted from Mr. Gu Long's novel of the same name. The work tells the fateful entanglement of a pair of twin brothers who fell in love and killed each other: 17 years ago, Jiang Feng, the "richest man in the world", and his expectant wife were hunted down by the evil gangsters Twelve Stars, and gave birth to a pair of twins before their death. Among them, one had his cheek slashed and was taken to the Valley of the Wicked, while the other was taken to the Yihua Palace, a forbidden area in the martial arts world. Many years later, Jiang Xiaoyu, a young man with a scar, was raised by the five evil men in the Valley of Evil and determined to become "the most evil man in the world"; while Hua Wuque, the handsome young man, went down the mountain adhering to Master Yaoyue's philosophy of "cutting off love and desire, eradicating evil and defending the Tao" Get rid of evil. The gears of fate began to turn, and the two brothers' completely different but inseparable lives began...