Earth's Deadliest Volcanoes | Congo: Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira | Free Documentary
Earth's Deadliest Volcanoes Spain: • Earth's Deadliest Volcanoes | Spain: ...
00:00:00 Mount Nyiragongo
Mount Nyiragongo, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, erupts.
It engulfs the nearby city of Goma with lava, taking thirtythree lives and destroying almost four thousand homes. Volcano expert Chris Horseley arrives in Goma to find everyone evacuating. The locals fear this lethal mountain could erupt again. Chris wants to ensure the people of Goma are given fair warning of the next disaster by installing a live stream camera system inside the volcano’s crater. But to do this he must drag his team deep into the rebelheld jungle and up to the volcano’s peak. Knifeedge summits, thunderstorms, and collapsing craters lie ahead. Can Chris safely abseil into the ‘mouth of hell’ to set up the lifesaving camera? A quarter of a million people rely on his success.
00:42:55 Nyamuragira Volcano
Chris Horsley returns to the Congo to investigate a potentially lethal threat to over two million people. A deadly phenomenon called Mazuku, or “Evil Wind”, is killing livestock near a huge 10milelong fracture caused by a recent eruption. To get to the bottom of what’s causing the deaths Chris drags his team deep into the middle of rebelheld Congo rainforest to inspect the root of the problem, the legendary Nyamuragira Volcano. The UN’s military section escorted them to the volcano by helicopter, using clouds for cover to avoid groundtoair missiles. They must land inside the crater, dodging acid gas clouds and potentially molten lava. Once inside, Chris will have one hour to complete his mission, which if successful will help the government to predict future natural disasters.
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