/ eaglecountry
/ eaglecountryofficial
/ eaglecountrycam
/ eaglecountryofficial
Eagle Country
"There is nothing more profound than the majesty of an eagle in flight. Eagle Country is dedicated to providing you with a LIVE cam view into the nest life of American bald eagles.
At start of the 20212022 season, we were in anticipation of a new nesting pair after the previous resident eagles, Victoria & Nicholas, did not return to the nest last season. We are thrilled that the female, Abigail (Abby), chose a mate, Blazer (Blaze), after a long and strenuous pursuit of her by many, many suitors. At any time, you may see cows roaming the pastures, herons walking or flying by, fox squirrels peeking into the nest or cattle egrets hitching a ride on the back of a cow! These are "Friends of EC," as we call them, and they all, with the eagles, make up Eagle Country.
As we like to say around here, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair and enjoy the adventure with us! "