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Dragonflies: Anatomy of the World's Top Predator - 3D Animation

EXPLANATION-AVENUE - 3D Animations by Oliver Ende

Dive into the fascinating world of dragonflies with this detailed 3D animation. Discover the unique anatomical features that make these insects masters of the sky. From their complex compound eyes to powerful flight muscles learn the secrets behind the extraordinary agility and hunting efficiency of dragonflies. This animation offers a unique insight into the evolutionary wonders of nature.

0:00 Intro
0:35 Classification
0:49 Size comparison of prehistoric dragonflies
1:06 Body division of the dragonfly
1:24 compound eyes ommatidium
2:32 compound eye areas
3:36 Flight muscles dragonfly vs. flight muscles butterfly
4:39 Advantages of direct flight muscles
5:01 Different types of dragonfly wing beats
6:01 Flight speed of a dragonfly
6:10 Organs of the dragonfly
7:13 Reproductive organs of the dragonfly
7:56 Sex act of dragonflies
8:44 Life cycle of dragonflies
8:56 Larvae/nymphs
9:35 Hunting behaviour of nymphs
9:54 Hunting success rate: comparison among predators
10:58 Swarm hunting behaviour
11:19 Hunting: Internal forward models
11:51 Pantala flavescens length of routes
12:20 Outro

#Dragonfly #InsectAnatomy #3DAnimation #NaturalScience #Biology #AerialAcrobat #CompoundEyes #Wildlife #Education #ScienceCommunication

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posted by isssittax4