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Don’t do THIS with your barking dog (do this instead)

Howl School for Dogs

It’s a science.
Make life easier for you and you dog, not more violent or stressful.

I’m working with another client at the moment who’s previous trainer told them that rewarding a barking dog makes them bark more. If they’re barking at YOU and you then reward them, sure. But that’s very different and is where some of the less educated trainers can’t see the nuance.
If you’re rewarding a dog that is barking at SOMETHING ELSE you aren’t reinforcing that behaviour, you’re making them feel BETTER about that situation. A dog that FEELS better doesn’t need to bark and react.

Have a go. Oh and please let’s stop getting tips from him off the telly in the cravat. He’s an idiot. Oh and so is the “Shush” guy. Oh and the Phil & Grant Mitchell ones.

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posted by tramboleq2