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DIY Haircut - Grooming Shih Tzu at home (save tons of money)

SIRO the ShihTZU

In this episode i made video how i groom my shihtzu at home by myself without need to pay extra money for groomer :D
while i am still learning to be perfect (from my POV and yet still far away), maybe i can give some tips how to do it for you if you want to try for the first time so you can save some money for every week or month

i hope this video made you understand a little bit and i promise to be better in making video about the movement, lightning and everything :)

feel free to comment if you want to ask anything about cutting and grooming, i'll try to answer them :)

i hope you enjoy this video and maybe consider to subscribe, like and share, thank you so much if you watch till the end :)

see you next time! Byebye :)

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#petvlog #tipsandtricks #shihtzu #doggroomingforbeginners #cuttingdoghair #grooming #diydoggrooming #savemoney #shihtzugrooming #tutorialgroomingdog #petgrooming #shihtzuhaircut #petcare #groomshihtzu #groomingtools

posted by fantaizie25