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Devils River Paddler Manual

Devils River Conservancy

The Devils River is one of the last wild and pristine rivers in Texas. It took mother nature eons of geologic time to create the magic of wild Texas and the Devils River. We can allow its destruction in our lives, OR we can work to preserve it for future generations. The Devils River Conservancy, in partnership with paddlers and stakeholders, developed this educational tool to provide paddlers with critical information and promote the highest river ethic.

To learn more about the conservation efforts in the Devils River watershed and how you can help please visit www.devilsriverconservancy.org

Every component of this film was produced by people drawn back to the Devils River by an indescribable desire to support the protection of this sacred place.

"On My Way Home" and "Imagining the End", by Dexter Britain www.dexterbritain.com
"Back Bone" by Nahko the BearCopyright Control
"All I Can Handle", "Gypsy Dreamer", and "Winds of Change" by Market Junction Copyright Control

Supporting footage used under license from Shutterstock.com
Video by Blue 8 Productions www.theblue8.com

posted by estragom3