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Decorah N2B 17/05/30


Dad brought in three fish within a three minute and twenty eight second time frame. 0:13 Dad flies in with a fish and D27 steals it 0:26 Dad flies to the skywalk 0:31 the view switches to a second camera 0:43 Dad flies off the skywalk 1:02 the view switches to the first camera 1:14 the view switches to the second camera 1:19 D26 goes to investigate D27's fish 1:27 Mom starts tea kettling 1:29 Dad flies in with a fish 1:32 Mom walks down to the nest while tea kettling and heads for the fish 1:49 Mom air pecks at Dad 2:04 Dad flies off the nest 2:34 Mom starts feeding the second fish 3:40 Dad flies in with a third fish 3:53 Dad starts eating and/or feeding the third fish 5:04 the view switches to the first camera 5:15 the view switches back to the second camera 6:14 D26 takes the last bit of fish from Mom and carries it to the back rail 6:38 D27 goes over to investigate D27's fish 6:59 Mom looks at Dad's fish and starts to tea kettle 7:23 Mom steals Dad's fish and eats it 7:50 Mom goes into watch mode then Dad joins her and both parents track something 8:24 Dad flies off the nest 8:27 Mom flies off the nest

posted by mariauxirivsmw