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Deathbed Visions - What People See Moments Before End of Life with Dr. Christopher Kerr | NLS Clips

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   • Hospice Doctor Reveals SHOCKING Death...  

Christopher Kerr is a hospice doctor. All of his patients die. Yet he has cared for thousands of patients who, in the face of death, speak of love and grace. Beyond the physical realities of dying are unseen processes that are remarkably lifeaffirming. These include dreams that are unlike any regular dream. Described as "more real than real," these endoflife experiences resurrect past relationships, meaningful events and themes of love and forgiveness; they restore life's meaning and mark the transition from distress to comfort and acceptance.

Drawing on interviews with over 1,400 patients and more than a decade of quantified data, Dr. Kerr reveals that predeath dreams and visions are extraordinary occurrences that humanize the dying process. He shares how his patients' stories point to death as not solely about the end of life, but as the final chapter of humanity's transcendence. Kerr's book also illuminates the benefits of these phenomena for the bereaved, who find solace in seeing their loved ones pass with a sense of calm closure.

Beautifully written, with astonishing reallife characters and stories, this book is at its heart a celebration of our power to reclaim the dying process as a deeply meaningful one. Death Is But a Dream is an important contribution to our understanding of medicine's and humanity's greatest mystery.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, it’s subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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Translated titles:
Historias de TOS: Visiones en el lecho de muerte: lo que vieron momentos antes del final de la vida

TOS Stories: Visionen auf dem SterbebettWas sie kurz vor dem Lebensende sahen | Dr.Christopher Kerr

Deathbed VisionsCe qu'ils ont vu quelques instants avant la fin de leur vie | Dr Chr

Visões no leito de morteO que eles viram momentos antes do fim da vida | Dr. Chris

टीओएस कहानियां: डेथबेड विजनउन्होंने

TOS Stories: Deathbed VisionsWhat They Saw Moments Before End of Life | Dr. Christopher Kerr

visioenen op het sterfbedwat ze zagen vlak voor het einde van hun leven | Dr Christop

Visioni sul letto di morteCosa hanno visto pochi istanti prima della fine della vita |

死の床のビジョン人生の終わりの瞬間に彼らが見たもの |

Видения на смертном одре — что они видели за не

posted by naruhanioy