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David Fuller: What happened to Jordan Peterson?


Freddie Sayers meets David Fuller, founder of Rebel Wisdom.

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Followers of the clinical psychologist and now worldfamous member of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’, Jordan Peterson, have noted a radical change in his video style in recent weeks. For David Fuller, founder of Rebel Wisdom, these videos ‘signalled a watershed moment’ for Peterson, from truthseeker and mediator between Left and Right to a blinkered tribalist. UnHerd’s Freddie Sayers sat down in the studio with Fuller to dig a little deeper into his reservations about Jordan Peterson and alternative media’s part in this story.

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00:00 00:51 Introduction
00:51 05:18 Does Jordan Peterson still have a positive contribution to the public debate?
05:18 06:33 What is Fuller’s take on Peterson’s Elliot Page tweet?
06:33 12:04 Is Peterson becoming aggressive?
12:04 15:42 What is Peterson’s role in the culture war?
15:42 18:10 Is Jordan Peterson better suited to being a character who strongly defends one side of the culture war?
18:10 22:50 Is it in the nature of humans to be able to understands all sides of an argument? Does that hinder progression?
22:50 26:07 Is the shutting down of Rebel Wisdom, a reflection of the current state of the alternative media?
26:07 29:01 Does the mainstream or alternative media challenge it’s guests and their viewpoints enough?
29:01 30:52 What is the ideal way for media of any kind to conduct public debates? How transparent should they be?
30:52 36:39 Are we living in a civilisational decline?
36:39 43:23 Is it possible to be a civilisation that share a single set of principles?
43:23 46:14 What can we do as individuals to improve the overall outcome of our civilisational movement towards seeking the truth in public discussion?
46:14 47:03 Concluding thoughts

#JordanPeterson #RebelWisdom #UnHerd

posted by malarmatfz