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Danny DeVito u0026 His Daughter Critique Danny DeVito Tattoos | GQ


Danny DeVito and his daughter Lucy DeVito discuss tattoos fans have gotten of Danny and his many characters. Danny DeVito tattoos come in all shapes and sizes. From "Danny Dorito" to an original Ongo Gablogian piece, the DeVitos find each tattoo very far from derivative.

Danny Dorito
Artist: Tina Miller @pa.tina.tattoos
Zion Schellenberg

Artist: Aimie Ferriera @aimieferreiratattoos
Marin Davidson

Ongo Gablogian
Artist: Brea Bastin @artbybreab
Abigail Lauren

Danny DeFeeto
Artist: Juliana Burke
Jackie Volpe

Artist: Brandon Archer @archers_ink
Emily O’Sullivan

Toe Knife
Artist: Ricky Mollander @ricky_mo
Briteny Monty

Danny DeFeeto 2
Artist: Dale Winter @dvlewintertvttoos
Andre Neilson

Rum Ham
Artist: Johan Ulrich @johantattoos
Kyle Miller

Artist: Thomas Bulman @bull_airs
Brandon Heller

Troll Toll
Artist: Anna Rispoli @curlsjrtattoos
Kerah Yeager

Dr. Toboggan
Artist: Brea Bastin @artbybreab
Dominique Bastin

The Hoors
Artist: Christopher Dodd @christafaridoddtattoo
James Dennis

Danny DeviToe
Artist: Caliope Yiannos @cali.tattoos
Thomas McGrail

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