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Curious Light | Voice Acted! | Roblox Doors


°^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Read Desc!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^°

FINALLY it's done! Whoooooo now I can start on my next project :D (Fixing ToastedToasts Roblox book covers/Trying it out myself!)

Anyway, Should I do more voice acting videos or voice over videos? Just tell me in ze comments :]
I do have a theory about Curious light! So if you wanna read it go ahead:

Curious Light
Curious light was a being at first they didn't know much as the younger sibling of Guidng light, Guiding light always help curious with everything like knowing what to do when someone was in need or anything till one day curious light got...too curious and found a hidden area within the hotel and they found a door curious decided to enter till they realized they couldn't get out after a while they faded away into the curious light we know and love now :] (and secretly guiding light is still trying to find their sibling while also helping players out)

that was a long one woah okay lol now imma go poof weee

• Other: Doors is pretty epic


tags (ignore please xd): #doors #doorsroblox #voiceacting

posted by bensiwnum