MIDI & Sheet Music: https://musescore.com/raij/scores/305...
Arrangement by: Animenz (rearranged by raiJ)
Code Geass is hands down my favourite anime from its intense story arc to its incredible soundtrack. The show displays themes surrounding grudges, family, determination, and honor by guiding viewers through two seasons of pure adrenaline. The opening from the first season does this show justice, and remains to be one of my favourite anime openings of all time.
Colors FLOW
Released: November 8, 2006
Genres: JPop, Rock
"The Holy Empire of Britannia conquered the country known as Japan and now call it Area 11. Its residents lost their rights to selfgovern and are now called Elevens. The Empire uses powerfully destructive robotic weapons called Knightmares to ensure control, but someone is about to stand up against it. Lelouch, the black prince, has endless ambition and uses the power of the Geass to build a world based on his ideals. Suzaku Kururugi, the white knight, aspires to justice and strives to live an honest and fair life."
Lelouch & C.C. Thumbnail Artwork by xAethersx on DeviantArt