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Coding Adventure: Rendering Fluids

Sebastian Lague

We've succeeded in the past to make a bunch of little balls behave like a fluid, but can we now make them look like a fluid too? In this video we'll explore a few different techniques, and also attempt a simple simulation of foam and spray to liven things up!

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Fluid Simulation Video
   • Coding Adventure: Simulating Fluids  

Screen Space Fluid Rendering: https://developer.download.nvidia.com...
Foam, Spray and Bubbles: https://cg.informatik.unifreiburg.de...
Reflections and Refractions: https://graphics.stanford.edu/courses...
Music: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Seb...

0:00 Intro
0:27 Marching Cubes
05:58 Raymarching
10:40 Refract, Reflect, Fresnel
13:35 More Raymarching
18:28 A Simple Environment
20:40 Testing the Raymarched Fluid
25:03 Screen Space Technique: Depth Map
28:35 Simple Smoothing
33:42 Surface Smoothing
36:44 Rendering the Fluid
42:02 Spray, Foam, and Bubbles
55:12 Testing the Screen Space Fluid
57:22 Outro

posted by Noaccoii