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Çifteli: This microtonal instrument changed the way I think about music

David Hilowitz Music

The Çifteli sample I made can be downloaded here: https://www.decentsamples.com/product...
It is meant to be used with Decent Sampler, a free plugin that can be downloaded here: https://www.decentsamples.com/product...

If you're curious about microtonal composing, there's a nice explainer here: https://blog.discmakers.com/2017/08/m...
Also, you can download free scale files here: https://sevish.com/musicresources/#t...

Support what I do on Patreon:   / dhilowitz  

Find my FILM & INSTRUMENTAL music here: https://davidhilowitz.bandcamp.com
Find my ROCK MUSIC here: https://manwomanchild.bandcamp.com


posted by tracytai65363