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Church History - Episode 40: A Fascinating Tale | Pastor Lance Ralston

David Guzik

Read "The Pilgrimage of Etheria / The Travels of Egeria"

This is part 40 of our Church History series! Pastor Lance discusses the history, development and varieties of Christian church liturgy, as well as the 4th Century traveling account called 'The Pilgrimage of Etheria,' or sometimes 'The Travels of Egeria.'
Regarding liturgical history, mentioned are the Alexandrian (or Egyptian) liturgies; the West Syrian: Jerusalem, Clementine, and Constantinopolitan liturgies; the East Syrian liturgies for Nestorian churches of the East; and the principal liturgical families of the West: Roman, Gallican, Ambrosian, Celtic, and Mozarabic liturgies.
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Watch the full Church History series playlist here:
   • Lance Ralston: Church History Series  

Pastor Lance Ralston founded and leadpastored Calvary Chapel Oxnard, California for nearly 40 years. In addition to serving on the Executive Board for Enduring Word, he is an author, holds a Master's degree in Biblical Studies and Ministry, and leads the Communio Sanctorum podcast, which delivers engaging & scholarly journeys into Church History without the slant of Academia. Discover more at:
Communio Sanctorum:
Pastor Lance's channel: ‪@INTOHISIMAGE‬
⛪ CC Oxnard:

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