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Cher's Shadiest Moments

Mr. Ricione

It’s almost a competition in this day and age to see which pop star is the shadiest diva. Mariah Carey and Madonna have both made names for themselves as outspoken women in music who are not afraid to say how they feel about others. But no one is direct or brutal like #Cher. So here are just a few of our favorite moments when Cher threw some very real shade. Enjoy!

00:00 Just Cher
00:16 Cher vs. Hollywood Moguls
01:52 Cher vs. Miley Cyrus
02:37 Cher vs. The Academy
03:54 Cher vs. David Letterman
05:19 Cher vs. Critics
05:52 Cher vs. Rolling Stones
06:23 Cher vs. Cynthia McFadden
07:52 Cher vs. Madonna
09:17 Cher vs. Haters

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