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Charging with ccs1 to chademo adapter and living Rv life Nissan Leaf

nomadic hippie

Join me as I charge my Nissan LEAF using a CCS1 to CHAdeMO adapter, gearing up for an epic 6,000mile road trip! I’ll be towing a small travel trailer behind my LEAF, living the nomadic lifestyle while testing the adapter across various charging stations. Follow along for tips, tricks, and the highs and lows of EV travel! Here is my PayPal link for anybody that would like to help. Support the road trip across the United States, testing out the adapter for those of you that have already shown support. Thank you so much and to everybody in the future. Future, that wants to show support I thank you also. and also, my link for the gofundme account to also help with the trip. accraine/sixpenceev adapter link. https://www.electricvehiclecharging....

posted by kokulioi