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CFA International Show 2018 - Rachel Anger's Super Specialty Shorthair alter final

Doug guoD

Rachel Anger's Super Specialty Shorthair final at the 2018 CFA International Cat Show held in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

This one is a bit confusing, yes. Sometimes, just to keep us in the audience entertained, judges will do finals out of numerical order. This is one of those. In the past I've reordered some of these finals into the usual declining numerical sequence so they wouldn't be quite so confusing. Adding Super Specialty adds to the confusion...

As I understand it Super Specialty means the usual Specialty division into separate Longhair and Shorthair finals with the addition of a sub competition that excludes Grand cats (Grand is an award title) so they can get some additional points toward their own Grand title, as otherwise Grands tend to dominate in the standings.

What I've done here is to add Premier to the text to designate the sub competition referred to above.

posted by esbohigakx