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Call Ducks get a New Pool - Pet Call Ducks Swimming

Bock Bock Bouquet

Our pet call ducks, Yoshi and Boo are now 5 months old and fully integrated with the whole chicken flock. We bought them a new kiddie pool for them to spend their day in. They test it out and love it. They now play in it every day, all day!


For 5$ off a 25 lb bag of feed use our code: BockBock at http://www.scratchandpeck.com

•FlyFixed Reusable Fly Trap 10% off with code: bockbock https://www.flyfixed.com/discount/boc...

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Items seen in this video with our Amazon Associate's Links
(Helps support our channel :) we get a small commission at no cost to you)

•Chicken Run https://amzn.to/3r0UeAk
•Shade cloth over run https://amzn.to/3o34mrj
•Canon M50 Camera: https://amzn.to/3nDe3fq
•Rode Shotgun Microphone: https://amzn.to/2SpokAt
(All our FAVORITE Amazon products in one place!)

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posted by inadirtyshirtsl