We build and ride an entirely new medium size dirt jump line with my kids in our ridiculous backyard. This is the full build from beginning to end. We started with the new RollIn that we built in the last video • Building our Backyard Jump RollIn!
Then we moved a ton of dirt, built framed up wooden landings with lumber I made using my Alaska Mill on a Stihl 460, and then we built wooden lips for the take off's. Of course ride the finished jumps on our BMX bikes and MTB Dirt Jumpers.
If you are new to the channel, checkout my backyard playlist to get caught up in the yard!
• Backyard Building and Riding
Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss the next video!
Follow me on Instagram / portermtb
Huge thanks to my amazing neighbor Steve Olpin for help film ender riding session, check out his YouTube Channel and Instagram here
/ thetalkingfly
If you want to hire someone for a backyard build like this, or a trail, hit up these guys!
Apex Trails Derek Thomson https://www.apextrails.com
Bryce Sacks / bryce.sacks
Thanks to my friends that helped throw dirt and get this done!
/ carstonoliver
/ hammond4130
/ dustinsmart31
/ j.kurlan
/ krawlinz
Here’s the Diamondback bike I’m riding in the video, and a quick overview of the jumps • Dirt Jump Bike Check and Ride with Er...
Below are the main tools I used to build this rollin
Alaska Mill
Milwaukee Impact Driver
Milwaukee Sawzall AKA Death Slicer
Milwaukee Circular Saw AKA Death Cutter
Milwaukee Leaf Blower AKA Tornado Blaster