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Building Magical Frozen House with Cold Bedroom from Cardboard for Queen Elsa ❄️ DIY Miniature House

Miniature House

Building Magical Frozen House with Cold Bedroom from Cardboard for Queen Elsa ❄ DIY Miniature House

Hello World, I'm DIY Lover and Miniature Lover, my name is Lisa
! I'm an ARTIST who makes MINIATURE HOUSE !❤
Have you seen Frozen yet? This is my favorite animated movie. Today, i will make Magical Frozen House with Cold Bedroom from Cardboard for Queen Elsa ^^ Also, please watch patiently until the end, the second part of the video will be full of surprises. Please accept me openly and support me. Do you like this miniature house? Please let me know in the comment! Thank you❤
Timestamps below to get to part that interest you :
0:00 | Building Magical Frozen House with Cold Bedroom from Cardboard for Queen Elsa ❄ DIY Miniature House

Title :
( English ) Building Magical Frozen House with Cold Bedroom from Cardboard for Queen Elsa ❄ DIY Miniature House
( Español ) Construye una casa mágica congelada con dormitorio frío de cartón para la reina Elsa ❄ Casa en miniatura DIY
( Português ) Construir uma casa mágica congelada com quarto frio de cartão para a rainha Elsa ❄ Casa em miniatura DIY
( 日本人 ) エルサ女王のために、冷たい寝室のある魔法のアナと雪の女王の家を段ボールで作る❄ DIY ミニチュアハウス
( 한국어 ) 퀸 엘사를 위한 차가운 침실이 있는 마법의 냉동 하우스 만들기 ❄ DIY 미니어처 하우스
( Hindi ) रानी एल्सा के लिए कार्डबोर्ड से ठंडे बेडरूम के साथ जादुई जमे हुए घर का निर्माण ❄ DIY लघु घर
( Indonesian ) Membangun Rumah Beku Ajaib dengan Kamar Tidur Dingin dari Karton untuk Ratu Elsa ❄ Rumah Miniatur DIY

Enjoy my video and Please comment below if you like it. I hope you will like my miniature house video and have relaxing time !!! Thank you for watching! Love you
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posted by lupaange